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Medi-Scribe, Inc. has subscribed to the Medi-Host web site for about 3-1/2 years. We have been very pleased...
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Accu-Write, Inc.
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bullet About Security and Encryption
Lock and Chain
Did You Know?

Encryption is Required:
 Since April 15th, 2003 HIPAA regulations for medical transcriptionists require medical file transfers to be encryped. Failure to encrypt these files can result in penalties.

From Page 15-16 of HIPAA Regulations:
 "When transferring protected health information files through the Internet, whether uploading to or downloading from a Web server OR attaching to an email, the MT should utlize encryption software to ensure the security of files over the connection. It is recommended that the business associate use software structured on a 128-bit, random algorithm encryption standard."

E-mail Has Disadvantages:
 Regular e-mail is insecure. Files transfered in e-mail can be read by any other computer on the network. Secured e-mail requires a personalized key to be installed in each user's e-mail program. As employees and clients change, maintaining secured e-mail programs can become a hassle.

Encryption Software is Costly:
 Using third party software for encryption can be very costly. The cost to purchase software for each of your users, plus the cost of upgrades and training time is far more expensive than using a secured web site. Plus, by using a web site instead of software, users on different operating systems, such as Mac OS, will not be limited by incompatible third party software.
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