bullet System Demonstration

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The following screenshots are provided to give an overview of our system. Some minor processes have changed and are subject to change in the future. If you have any questions, or if anything is unclear, please e-mail us at contact@medi-host.com.

Administrator Login
The administrator account has access over the whole transfer system. Log in by entering the username and password:

   This brings you to the administrative home page:

   -All users have the same tools: go to home, upload a document, change password and logout
   -Administrators have extra tools: assign work file, create user and user administration
   -Administrators also have an extra "File Administration" area where all files that are in process are organized

Creating Users
Begin by creating user accounts for transcriptionists, clinics and physicians. By clicking on the "Add new User/Clinic/Physician" link, you get this screen:

   -Note the new transcriptionist information. Also, user type help is displayed on this page.
   -If work does not need to be identified by a physician, creating a clinic and a physician of the same name can prevent having to create many physicians.

   After creating a transcriptionist, a clinic and physician should be created:


   Now all of our created users can be viewed by clicking the "User Administration" link:

   -From this screen you can delete a user or change that user's password in case it is forgotten.

Uploading Work
   Click the Upload Workfile link to assign a workfile to a transcriptionist:

  Going back to the Administrator home, you will now see this file in the Assigned Work category:

   -Note that the file has a "No" in the downloaded column. The transcriptionist has not yet downloaded this file.

Transcriptionist Login
   Now that a transcriptionist has been assigned a workfile, they can login to download it:

   After the transcriptionist has downloaded the file, they can click the Downloaded button to let the administrator know it is safe to delete from the system:

   When the file has been dictated, the transcriptionist can upload a document to the administrator by clicking on the "Upload Document" link:

   -Note that a file must be associated with a physician.

Administrating Documents
After documents have been uploaded by transcriptionists, an administrator must login to manage them. The files now show in the "Needing Clearance" section:

   -At this point an administrator can download the files, edit them, delete the old ones from the system and re-upload them if proof-reading is required before it goes to the clinic. Otherwise, click the give clearance button to allow clinics to download their files:

   -Note that for right now we only want to allow the clinic to download two of their files

Clinic Login
   Clinics are provided a login so they can download work that has been cleared. A document is associated with a clinic by its physician. After a clinic logs in they will see all available documents according to their physicians:

   -Note that clinic login screens are very similar to transcriptionist logins. Also, clinics now have the ability to upload files to the Administrator. This is useful if the clinic gathers the audio files and needs to send them to the transcription business.

   The files are then marked as downloaded so the administrator knows it is safe to delete them:

   -Note the "Yes" in the downloaded column signifying it is safe to delete.

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